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#surf On #wallstreetsilver I found a post reporting about workers striking for higher wages and against an anti-strike law in London. Then two posts down, some post fussing about r/antiwork (and r/overemployed).


There seems to be either a trend among boomers or a robot with AI generated text to denigrate the modern struggle of the working class. What they say is usually some variant of "I worked hard / my asses off", "I am or have (upper management position)", "millenials are entitled", something etc to signal their work ethic or accomplishments. Which completely ignores or detracts from economic issues (stagnant wages, increased cost of living, inflation) to redirect the problem as the later generation's lack of character ("entitlement", laziness, self-victimization).


#surf #politics #wallstreetsilver rant

I butted heads with "conspiracy theorist" types before. Not in the sense that "conspiracy theorists" are insane crackpots, it is entirely possible for wealthy, powerful people to conspire like with the Panama Papers. I put "conspiracy theorists" (quotes) because these people aren't necessarily theorizing about a conspiracy as they are suspicious about the status quo.

The annoying thing about them is that they both obscure their sources and complain about their information "not reaching the sleepers". I quote:


The worse kinds insult or mock people for asking questions, calling people lazy for "not doing their own research" as though they're concerned with a general audience plagiarizing their unsubstantiated claims. These types don't understand the importance of citing a source, which unfortunately gave ground for government propagandists or fact checkers.

I suspect they do this because they want people to visit profiles on social media or join chat groups more than they actually want to present information.


#surf #politics #wallstreetsilver covid19

I had found a video of European politicians discussing the use of public funds to purchase proprietary medical products.

Silver Stackers - What Are They Trying To Hide?


What I found disappointing was that the thread starter was not able to cite the source or even identify the speaker to help others find the full contents of the conference. The only thing the submitter could say was that the clip was found in a telegram channel. It is almost like the post itself is just a lure to get people to join a telegram channel.

The speaker in the clip is Cristian Terheș, MEP for Romania. He has a YouTube channel which contains the 26 minute segment which the clip is derived starting 4:43.

