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#neocities #programming

I read Qualities of Good Software by sundee



One thing this page reminds me of is that it's easier to get feedback on fanfiction than it is to get feedback on a program. So what's good for user experience isn't as obvious as what's good in writing.

There are many points I agree on. A really good example is how Photoshop (and GIMP) toolbox icons are grey when it would be much easier to pick tools if they had distinct colors. Though I think if followed it 100% e.g "As many options as possible", my code is going to get real unreadable and ugly; I write lots of if-else statements for configuration.


I'm going to open a tag for interesting articles I've found on #neocities starting with the articles I recently commented on.



This article is about Sentropy, an automated abuse detection and removal system for social media sites. The company uses an algorithm and artificial intelligence to analyze and pre-emptively remove "harmful content" for their clients.

This might sound positive to those ignorant of what may qualify or be omitted as "harmful content", but a legitimate concern is corporate and government interests getting between online interactions and real friendships. The author also did a great job of archiving articles published about Sentropy.



I saw my website reached 100k hits on Thursday, but didn't quite have the time to post about it. The last few thousands have been a crawl, but my site seems to get about 200-300 hits per day even if I don't update.

The only explanation I can think of is a decent placement on a tag/category on neocities. But even as I have a bunch of hits, I feel like I don't know most of the people who visit my site. Regardless, thanks for visiting.
