A Microblog in Plain HTML


It was a very political season, and I'm going to get it out of the way entirely.


I read


which describes a billionaire made so because of immigration in the United Kingdom.

Taxpayers are paying between £127 and £148 a day to house them, which is a total of £8 million per day.

Also I had no idea that £44,000/yr boarding schools existed. That must be some top-tier education.


"He said that."

"She said that."

I took a longer than anticipated hiatus from the web.

November 5th was US Election Day, and the most painful part was the reaction to the results.


Flashback before Election Day, I had caught news about Donald Trump saying he isn't going to touch abortion and that he supports IVF. This caused outrage among Christians (a huge chunk of the right-wing). (Christians don't like IVF because it involves "murder" by their definition. If 5 eggs get fertilized but 4 get discarded, it's quadruple-abortion to them.)


About the month right before Election Day, there appeared to be panic from feminists because Kamala Harris brought up abortion. It went as far as a red cloak cosplay campaign, but I assumed it was astroturf.

(Side note: the Democrats were in power during COVID-19 and favored draconian vaccine requirements when investors needed exit liquidity for Pfizer stock.)

Like any Election Day, when the results come in, the losing side expresses extreme disappointment or anger. There was no schadenfreude to be had. Rather, I thought it was painful to read the influx reddit posts from misinformed people.

"He wasn't going to touch abortion," is what I could explain in 5 threads before I lose patience.

After reading enough posts behind the glass wall (I don't post), I realized they were Kamala voters, and they think this way because they believe what Kamala Harris says and won't believe what their political antagonist says. So on that day, I reinforced why I don't join political discussions.


I found hay in a needle-stack (warning: it's 4chan).


Thread titled "MAYOR OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ROBERT RUE IS MAKING MILLIONS OFF HAITIAN GIBS" by Anonymous details situation in Springfield, Ohio.

Mayor Rob Rue is evicting residents of Springfield, Ohio and then bringing Haitian illegal migrants to the tune of A THIRD of the cities population to rent out his properties to Haitians using Housing Vouchers which are paid for by the federal government.

He then raises the rent to 3, 4 or 5 thousand a month and the Government Gibs go straight to his bank account!

Anonymous, post id 482594707

I don't see the topic discussed anywhere else, but it's an interesting possibility. The business record links appear valid. The relationship between the government and real estate investors through housing vouchers seems plausible.



#finance #politics

Throughout today, the price for Nvidia stock fell by 5-7%. Reddit appears to blame it on Donald Trump's comments on Taiwan. The same subreddit mentioned Nancy Pelosi buying 10,000 shares of Nvidia at the end of June.




I got the idea that establishment politicians don't like Trump because he causes stock market crashes. This means just from today the value of Pelosi's holdings declined by $80,000. On the other hand, other places say the drop is because of Biden restricting trade with China.



I read about Donald Trump almost getting killed during a rally on Saturday. The agency that was supposed to protect him didn't secure the roof from which the assassin shot because, according to the director, the roof was too sloped.

That building in particular has a sloped roof, at its highest point. And so, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.


I looked at photos, and the roof was nearly flat like a <15 degree angle. (The buildings were of American Glass Research.)


#invidious #politics leonel moreno

I watched


which is about a TikToker named Leonel Moreno. TikTok banned him for advising how to commit crime (illegal entry). However, he is more notorious for publicising squatter's rights laws and adverse possession.

The video archived clips from TikTok, and at the end, the vlogger (Poetik Flakko) asks for opinions whether deportation suits Leonel. But I ended up thinking more about "the script".

You're supposed to figure out how to get some papers, how to get a working permit, work really hard, make enough to go to college, get a better job...
Poetik Flakko @0:50, describing "the script" as termed by Drew Devault, https://drewdevault.com/2023/10/13/Going-off-script.html

The script is a game most people lose when they realize it is a game. Leonel Moreno doesn't accurately live off taxpayer money because the money that funds government programs doesn't necessarily come from taxes. Government money is borrowed into existence from a central bank. The US dollar has no "supply cap" and can be issued arbitrarily.

What Leonel Moreno is not doing is trading his finite time for money (work) nor is he supplying liquidity to the stock or crypto markets. He is correct in saying to his rage-baited audience that they are exploited and work like slaves.

If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.
Warren Buffet

If he isn't stupid and doesn't get deported, he learns a lesson about keeping quiet and enjoying his not-so-universal basic income and mortgage-free house.


#politics when politickers use "anti-"

I don't pay much attention to war as war is a topic that will be lied about. The government and military will be the primary source, and they will garner as much public support for their side otherwise the war effort loses volunteers or funding.

Now, there is a new war in Israel or Palestine, and plenty of political groups root for one of either sides.

So a word I came across is "anti-semitism".

I ended up reading "anti-semitism" as "to be opposed to the socio-political or economic interests of the Semitic people". There should be no problem in being "anti-semitic" under that definition because everyone's interests won't always line up with that community. Eventually, on some issue groups will be in disagreement.

"Should my country entrench itself deeper into debt to send more money than most will see in a lifetime to a foreign government?"

"Should I and my communities incur all economic consequences (e.g affordability of housing, education, healthcare, and anything that can't be outsourced) of that action?"

But usually, the word "anti-semitic" bears a connotation of being a criminal.

To label in such a way is an accusation that deprives the target of their boundaries and puts them under undue scrutiny like a defendant under trial; it is a distraction that guides the discussion away from the issue towards the accused's moral character. So "anti-" isn't a prefix that I consider much worth. The same goes for "-ist" or "-phobe".



I heard about the OceanGate submarine, and lol at the countdowns and the media chatting about the oxygen left.



When the US Navy already knew it imploded on Sunday (18th) and only revealed so Thursday (22nd), the same day oxygen would have run out.


Not sure if this can be considered "leading the public on" or "breadcrumbing". I need new words for the bullshit that happens in the public sphere. But TIL navies plant underwater microphones in the ocean to listen for torpedoes.


#surf #politics #wallstreetsilver rant

I butted heads with "conspiracy theorist" types before. Not in the sense that "conspiracy theorists" are insane crackpots, it is entirely possible for wealthy, powerful people to conspire like with the Panama Papers. I put "conspiracy theorists" (quotes) because these people aren't necessarily theorizing about a conspiracy as they are suspicious about the status quo.

The annoying thing about them is that they both obscure their sources and complain about their information "not reaching the sleepers". I quote:


The worse kinds insult or mock people for asking questions, calling people lazy for "not doing their own research" as though they're concerned with a general audience plagiarizing their unsubstantiated claims. These types don't understand the importance of citing a source, which unfortunately gave ground for government propagandists or fact checkers.

I suspect they do this because they want people to visit profiles on social media or join chat groups more than they actually want to present information.


#surf #politics #wallstreetsilver covid19

I had found a video of European politicians discussing the use of public funds to purchase proprietary medical products.

Silver Stackers - What Are They Trying To Hide?


What I found disappointing was that the thread starter was not able to cite the source or even identify the speaker to help others find the full contents of the conference. The only thing the submitter could say was that the clip was found in a telegram channel. It is almost like the post itself is just a lure to get people to join a telegram channel.

The speaker in the clip is Cristian Terheș, MEP for Romania. He has a YouTube channel which contains the 26 minute segment which the clip is derived starting 4:43.




I noticed a post on teddit about Putin granting Edward Snowden Russian citizenship. I scrolled through the comments to find this post among others saying Snowden should be pardoned and returned home to the United States.


I think if Snowden was brought back to the United States, he would just be murdered by the government agencies. They had openly and publicly stated their cringey fantasies to kill him; I don't expect them to have went back on their word.



#invidious #politics global protests

I watched

There is a 'deafening media silence' on global protests


@ 9:00

This has always been a problem for the left. The left always thought particularly it would happen in the 60s and 70s. Once the left was taken over by the academic left, (...), they claim that they speak for the working class. They got frustrated because it turns out that the working class people, most of them, are not interested in "the great revolution". They want affordable energy. They want affordable food. Good public schools. They want limited immigration. They want to maintain their culture and national identity. They wanted to maintain all those things that the left always tells them that they shouldn't.
Webster University Assistant Professor Ralph Schoellhammer

Often, I notice opposition to immigration is dismissed as racist. If not, the opponents to immigration are otherwise portrayed as lazy or incompetent; the kind that will be displaced from their occupations by harder working migrants. This segment was unusual at least because of how neutrally the opposition to immigration was portrayed. I also didn't expect any media corporation to portray any working class initiatives at all.

It doesn't get said often: the reason why working class people want limited immigration is that immigration increases the supply of labor. Increased competition in the job market suppresses wages. Immigration also increases the demand for food, energy, housing, and healthcare. Immigration generally isn't in the interests of the working class. But it is in the interest of the government (more people to tax, more demand for government-issued currency), real estate investors (more demand for housing = higher rent or sale prices), the employer class (lower wages to pay = higher profit margins), and maybe other players in the economy.


#surf money #politics #finance

I read


The article has an interesting interpretation of the commodities market (as the price of nickel made exponential gains lately).

What I understand of the situation: a Chinese client had a short position on nickel on the London Metals Exchange (LME). When the price of nickel went up, instead of letting the client lose money, trading was suspended.

Reuters - LME suspends nickel trading after prices soar past $100,000


TL;DR the author speculates that these moves are to impact the credibility of LME. So commodity exchanges move from London and Chicago to Moscow or China. In that case, the sanctions against Russia won't matter as much? It seems the main goal is so the world transitions from using US dollars ($) to gold as a mediator of oil trade.

Extras I interpreted:

  • de-dollarization means less value for the $.
  • less value for the dollar means gas prices go up.
  • people complaining about $5 gas and inflation have more to complain about.