A Microblog in Plain HTML


I posted a bounty on ğchange.


I'm looking for people who know French (ideally a native) to transcribe and translate a video lecture on economics by Stéphane Laborde.


Visit the video I'm talking about directly:


The first 10 minutes has already been checked over. I'm flexible, so portions of the video can be worked on as opposed to the entirety.

Side note: It looks like #invidious instances are disappearing.


#fanfic #monnaielibre

I commissioned a French translation for Cephalon Stallman a while ago, but I haven't gotten to publishing it until recently. They are temporarily available at:



This translation is by Aur&lie on ğchange.

The drafts section of the site is where I'll be posting incomplete works or translations under review. These French translations are on that section as I still want feedback from native French readers before considering them complete.
